How can law clinics adapt to tackle climate change? – The universities of King’s College London, Strathclyde and York in association with the Clinical Legal Education Organisation

This event, hosted by the universities of King’s College London, Strathclyde and York in association with the Clinical Legal Education Organisation, draws its inspiration from the “adaptation” theme of COP26.

A panel of students and other expert contributors will translate this theme into the student law clinic context, with a view to framing activities for the 2021 Student Law Clinic Global Day of Action for Climate Justice (which takes place on 17 November 2021). The panel will reflect on COP26 and afford an opportunity for student law clinics to consider the contrast between the global conversation and local actions. A keynote address will be provided by Alex Goodman, a barrister with Landmark Chambers.

This free, online event will feature contributions from students and academics at the three host law clinics, but we also invite contributions from other law clinics who are able to showcase good practice or recent successes in case work or campaigning in relation to the “adaptation” theme. Those interested in contributing should set out how their activities have been directed to avert, minimise or address the loss and damage that is already occurring from climate change, and send details of that to before 09.00 [UK time] on Monday 18 October 2021. Please note that it may not be possible to feature all correspondents in the event on Tuesday 3 November, but we will endeavour to ensure a broad representation of both clinics and ideas.

Event details will be circulated to those who register the day before the event.

You can follow the Clinical Legal Education Organisation on Twitter at @ClinicalLegal.  There will be Global Day of Action student takeover of CLEO’s Twitter feed prior to the event. Any questions about CLEO’s involvement with this event can be directed to

Further information about the Global Day of Action can be found on Facebook or Instagram

Panel and Film Screening of the “line that unites Africa” – Hogan Lovells

You’re invited to join Hogan Lovells & the Great Green Wall Frontline team on a music-driven journey across Africa’s Great Green Wall. A panel discussion will demonstrate how you can become involved in this wildly ambitious movement, featuring Malian musician and climate activist, Inna Modja.

The film screening (produced by MAKE Waves) will be preceded by a discussion on the opportunities to engage and invest in the ambitious project chaired by:

  • Andrew Skipper, Partner and Head of the Africa Practice, Hogan Lovells and Co-Chair of UK Government’s Africa Investors Group; 
  • Inna Modja, Singer and Artist;
  • BNP Paribas, (TBC);
  • H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, AU Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture;
  • Kemo Fatty, Head of Community Engagement, Civic & Founder, Green Up Gambia; and
  • Andrea Ledward, International Biodiversity and Climate Director, Defra

We would be delighted for you to join us at COP26 for this immersive session, which will be followed by a drinks reception hosted by Hogan Lovells and The Great Green Wall. Register at the link below.

Voices from the community – Environmental Law Foundation

“Voices from the community; conversations on the impact of pro-bono on environmental protection at the grassroots”

As part of this year’s National Pro Bono Week, ELF’s online event will be in conversation with some of the grassroots communities that ELF has worked with. Hear from them about the impact of the pro bono assistance they received from the ELF professional pro bono network and learn what the tangible impact has been on nature protection. ELF works with grassroots communities and we want to share their stories about the intersection between campaigning and the law and how pro bono has assisted them. The professional ELF pro bono members who assisted each community will be present to discuss how their case was built and developed.


In conversation with Emma Montlake of ELF will be Matt Gilks (Thrings), long time ELF solicitor member talking about the assistance he provided to the Friends of Fishermans Walk campaign group, the friends group represented by Debs Compton. We will also have Ray Pearce, claimant in the Development Consent Order challenge to the Vanguard Windfarm (a windfarm development off the coast of Norfolk) talking to Michael Brett, Barrister at FTB and ELF chambers member who assisted in the Vanguard case.

Please register for the event at the link below.

ELF logo

Pro Bono and Environmental Justice – LawWorks, A4ID and Environmental Law Foundation

The right of citizens to challenge environmental decisions through legal redress routes, and being able to access appropriate legal information, support and services on environmental law issues is fundamental to achieving any notion of environmental justice.

Evidence of the disproportionate impact of environmental degradation and climate change on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including those living in poverty, highlights the link with social justice; the law, domestically and globally. The law can be a tool to effect and inform solutions but is rendered useless without effective access to environmental justice. This principle is enshrined in international obligations such as Aarhus Convention which applies to the UK, although there is no significant enforcement mechanism.

Coinciding with UN Climate Change Conference (CoP 26th, Glasgow) the 20th year of pro bono week is looking at the ‘big picture’ on the past and future challenges for pro bono. This session hosted by LawWorks, the Environmental Law Foundation and A4ID will discuss the contribution that pro bono can make, and its limitations, at community level to environmental justice, (e.g., flooding, planning, nuisance issues, environmental hazards) but within a global context that understands environmental law as deeply connected with development, human and social issues. 

Panel includes:

  • Chair: Robert McCracken QC, FTB Chambers
  • Wessen Jazrawi, Hausfeld
  • Emma Montlake, Environmental Law Foundation
  • Matt Hunt, PGMBM
  • Richard Owen, Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Swansea
  • Joe Tan & Thomas Istasse, A4ID

Register at the Eventbrite link below.

The Role of Law in Climate Action – A4ID, CMS and Bloomberg

Advocates for International Development (A4ID) in partnership with CMS and Bloomberg is hosting an event, ‘The Role of Law in Climate Action’ on 2 November 2021 at 5pm (UK time), to coincide with the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) and UK Pro Bono Week. This hybrid event will take place at the CMS offices in London (78 Cannon St, London EC4N 6AF) and will be live streamed to global audiences. The event will also see the launch of Chapter 13 of the Legal Guide to the SDGs, as part of A4ID’s SDG Legal Initiative. 


Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and presents the single biggest threat to sustainable development. From rising sea levels to increased incidence of catastrophic weather conditions, the impact of climate change is global and unprecedented. Tackling climate change therefore calls for drastic action across all levels of governments and all segments of society, including the legal community, businesses, and development organisations. 


The aim of this event is to build a greater awareness among the legal community on how the law, and the work of lawyers, can support the fight against climate change; show the diverse ways lawyers and in-house counsel can contribute to the fight against climate change through their client advising capacity and their pro bono work; and share success stories of lawyers and in-house counsel contributing to the fight against climate change. 


The SDG Legal Initiative aims to reach every legal professional in the world. Working through our networks of firms and corporations, it seeks to provide the knowledge and opportunities needed to take practical action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The Initiative is driven by a Steering Committee with membership from 13 of the world’s leading international law firms and corporations including CMS and Bloomberg, invested in achieving change in their sectors. It aims to build partnerships to revolutionise how pro bono and other legal work is carried out, and highlight the business case for all lawyers and law firms globally to adopt the SDGs at the heart of their practices.  

Speakers include:

  • David Levine, Chief Legal Officer, Bloomberg
  • Rt Hon Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill – former Justice of the UK Supreme Court
  • Yasmin Batliwala, Chief Executive, A4ID
  • Penelope Warne, The Senior Partner and Chairman of the UK LLP Board and Head of Energy & Climate Change, CMS
  • Valerie Borden Farkas, Head of Legal for EMEA, Bloomberg
  • Guy Pendell, Partner, Head of Disputes, CMS
  • Olivia Jamison, Partner, Environment, CMS
  • Anthony Kenny, Assistant General Counsel – Corporate, GlaxoSmithKline plc
  • Becky Annison, Director of Engagement, The Chancery Lane Project

Please register at the link below.

Net Zero Drafting: Corporate Governance – The Chancery Lane Project

From 1st – 12th November, and throughout Pro Bono Week and COP26, we are running a 2021 Net Zero Toolkit Workshop Series, which includes events across a number of key themes: built environment, corporate governance, finance, supply chains and transactions and deals.

Each event includes a Climate Clauses in Action (week 1) and Net Zero Drafting (week 2) workshop. This event will be workshopping climate clauses with a focus on corporate governance and how to ensure robust consideration of net zero in corporate decision making. 

You’ve set a net zero target (or your client has). Now what? How do you cascade those commitments throughout your contractual value chain?

In this free and collaborative Net Zero Drafting workshop, you will:

  • Learn about ‘net zero’ and what this means for contract drafting. Importantly, you will learn how to use contracts to ensure that targets and emissions reduction requirements align with the Paris Agreement and science based goals of limiting global temperature increase to 1.5℃.
  • Hear about lawyers and organisations from all over the world who are using the power of contract drafting to embed their climate commitments into their value chain. 
  • Build your own plan of action for using and implementing climate clauses in your business or practice, as part of your work towards net zero or more generally as you align your work with climate and environmental considerations.

The workshop is open for both in-house and private practice lawyers of all PQE. Register at the link below.

Climate Clauses in Action: Corporate Governance – The Chancery Lane Project

From 1st – 12th November, and throughout Pro Bono Week and COP26, we are running a 2021 Net Zero Toolkit Workshop Series, which includes events across a number of key themes: built environment, corporate governance, finance, supply chains and transactions and deals.

Each event includes a Climate Clauses in Action (week 1) and Net Zero Drafting (week 2) workshop. This event will be workshopping climate clauses with a focus on corporate governance and how to ensure robust consideration of net zero in corporate decision making. 

The Chancery Lane Project community has been working hard throughout 2021 to prepare our Net Zero Toolkit. The Net Zero Toolkit contains clauses, practical tools and guides to assist  legal, business and sustainability professionals to align their contracts with net zero and climate ambitions.

In this free and collaborative workshop, you will:

  • Learn about TCLP, the Net Zero Toolkit and climate-aligned contractual clauses which you can use in your practice today; 
  • Hear about lawyers and organisations from all over the world who are using the power of contract drafting to embed their climate commitments into their value chain. 
  • Build your own plan of action for using and implementing climate clauses in your business or practice, as part of your work towards net zero or more generally as you align your contracts with climate and environmental considerations.

The workshop is open for both in-house and private practice lawyers of all PQE. Register at the link below.

Net Zero Drafting: Built Environment – The Chancery Lane Project

From 1st – 12th November, and throughout Pro Bono Week and COP26, we are running a 2021 Net Zero Toolkit Workshop Series, which includes events across a number of key themes: built environment, corporate governance, finance, supply chains and transactions and deals.

Each event includes a Climate Clauses in Action (week 1) and Net Zero Drafting (week 2) workshop. This event will be workshopping climate clauses with a focus on built environment and how to deliver net zero in real estate, construction and infrastructure. 

You’ve set a net zero target (or your client has). Now what? How do you cascade those commitments throughout your contractual value chain?

In this free and collaborative Net Zero Drafting workshop, you will:

  • Learn about ‘net zero’ and what this means for contract drafting. Importantly, you will learn how to use contracts to ensure that targets and emissions reduction requirements align with the Paris Agreement and science based goals of limiting global temperature increase to 1.5℃.
  • Hear about lawyers and organisations from all over the world who are using the power of contract drafting to embed their climate commitments into their value chain. 
  • Build your own plan of action for using and implementing climate clauses in your business or practice, as part of your work towards net zero or more generally as you align your work with climate and environmental considerations.

The workshop is open for both in-house and private practice lawyers of all PQE. Register at the link below.

Climate Clauses in Action: Built Environment – The Chancery Lane Project

From 1st – 12th November, and throughout Pro Bono Week and COP26, we are running a 2021 Net Zero Toolkit Workshop Series, which includes events across a number of key themes: built environment, corporate governance, finance, supply chains and transactions and deals.

Each event includes a Climate Clauses in Action (week 1) and Net Zero Drafting (week 2) workshop. This event will be workshopping climate clauses with a focus on built environment and how to deliver net zero in real estate, construction and infrastructure. 

The Chancery Lane Project community has been working hard throughout 2021 to prepare our Net Zero Toolkit. The Net Zero Toolkit contains clauses, practical tools and guides to assist  legal, business and sustainability professionals to align their contracts with net zero and climate ambitions.

In this free and collaborative workshop, you will:

  • Learn about TCLP, the Net Zero Toolkit and climate-aligned contractual clauses which you can use in your practice today; 
  • Hear about lawyers and organisations from all over the world who are using the power of contract drafting to embed their climate commitments into their value chain. 
  • Build your own plan of action for using and implementing climate clauses in your business or practice, as part of your work towards net zero or more generally as you align your contracts with climate and environmental considerations.

The workshop is open for both in-house and private practice lawyers of all PQE. Register at the link below.

Net Zero Drafting: Transactions and Deals – The Chancery Lane Project

From 1st – 12th November, and throughout Pro Bono Week and COP26, we are running a 2021 Net Zero Toolkit Workshop Series, which includes events across a number of key themes: built environment, corporate governance, finance, supply chains and transactions and deals.

Each event includes a Climate Clauses in Action (week 1) and Net Zero Drafting (week 2) workshop. This event will be workshopping climate clauses with a focus on transactions and deals and how to address net zero intervention points in corporate and real estate transactions and diligence. 

You’ve set a net zero target (or your client has). Now what? How do you cascade those commitments throughout your contractual value chain?

In this free and collaborative Net Zero Drafting workshop, you will:

  • Learn about ‘net zero’ and what this means for contract drafting. Importantly, you will learn how to use contracts to ensure that targets and emissions reduction requirements align with the Paris Agreement and science based goals of limiting global temperature increase to 1.5℃.
  • Hear about lawyers and organisations from all over the world who are using the power of contract drafting to embed their climate commitments into their value chain. 
  • Build your own plan of action for using and implementing climate clauses in your business or practice, as part of your work towards net zero or more generally as you align your work with climate and environmental considerations.

The workshop is open for both in-house and private practice lawyers of all PQE. Register at the link below.