The Guides to Pro Bono and Other Free Advice

Directories for MPs, MSs, MSPs, their caseworkers, charity sector staff and others looking to signpost individuals to free legal and other advice.

Different guides cover England, Scotland and Wales. They cover:

  • Legal aid i.e. legal assistance funded by the Government.
  • Pro bono i.e. free legal advice or representation provided by volunteer lawyers to individuals and charities who cannot afford to pay but where legal aid is unavailable.
  • Front line advice organisations, which provide assistance from general advice through to specialist legal support. Note some areas have regulatory restrictions in particular debt and immigration.
  • Online guidance about legal issues and the legal process.
  • Specialist charities providing general advice/support for particular groups or problems, reflecting that legal issues often occur alongside non-legal issues. Some of those charities may offer legal information or advice, or may be able to signpost to it.

The PDFs are designed to work both on mobile devices and desktops (with a bookmarked table of contents, and internal hyperlinks for any reference to a page or section) and as a printed A5 booklet or A4 for large print (with most weblinks being spelt out).

These booklets are published annually for Pro Bono Week, a cross-sector collaborative initiative that through publications, launches, events and comms every November helps support the legal profession’s voluntary provision of free legal help to those in need.

Gratitude is expressed to everyone who supported the production of the Guides, whether by contributing information or their advice. For the Wales guide, thanks are expressed to members of the Pro Bono Committee for Wales / Pwyllgor Pro Bono Cymru. For the Scottish Guide, thanks are expressed to the Faculty of Advocates, Law Society of Scotland and JustRight Scotland.

Feedback is encouraged to improve the next editions of the Guides. Please email your comments, additions or corrections to