If you are organising an event whether online or in person, please let us know via info@probonoweek.org.uk
Check out our event ideas and tips page for suggestions of what to do and to see the full list of all events that took place in previous years.

- This event has passed.
Lawyers stepping forward when it matters – An event for young lawyers held in partnership with: LYLG, MTYBA, JLSLA, the YBC and Advocate
November 8, 2022 @ 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Join us, the Middle Temple Young Barristers’ Association (MTYBA), London Young Lawyers Group (LYLG), the Junior London Solicitors Litigation Association (JLSLA), the Young Barristers’ Committee (YBC) and Advocate on Tuesday 08 November between 6.15 – 9pm in The Princes’ Room at Middle Temple for a panel discussion (and hybrid on Zoom), followed by networking and refreshments.
The event will include a keynote address from the Solicitor General, Michael Tomlinson MP. The panel will share their experience of taking on pro bono both internationally and in the UK in response to crises, and explain more broadly how pro bono can be a beneficial part of the practice of junior solicitors and barristers. We hope this event will be an inspiring and informative event for young lawyers across the professions and hope to see you there!
- Keynote address: The Solicitor General, Michael Tomlinson MP
- Chair: Nadya Rouben, Senior Associate, DLA Piper
Panellists: - Michael Polak, barrister at Church Court Chambers; Chair, Young Bar Committee
- Marion Edge, Pro Bono Counsel at Dechert LLP
- Catherine Meredith, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers
- Olivia Clark, Solicitor, DLA Piper
Registration can be found here (in-person is SOLD OUT! Please register for Zoom tickets)
Arrive: 6:15pm
Hybrid on Zoom: (18:30 to 19:30)
Networking: 19:30-21:00
Venue: Hybrid on Zoom (tickets available) and in person (sold out!): Middle Temple Hall (Princes Room), Middle Temple Lane, London, EC4Y 9BT