Planning an event for Pro Bono Week 2024?

Thank you for getting involved in UK Pro Bono Week! We are really looking forward to hearing from organisations who are planning events, whether they’re invitation only or open to everyone to attend.

The overall theme for 2024 set by the organising committee is “the Power of Pro Bono“, within which there are 3 suggested sub-topics:

  • Barred from justice – the powerful, everyday stories of the impact of lawyers and law students who give their time to protect the rights of those most disadvantaged in society.
  • Embedding pro bono in your organisation and career – placing pro bono at the heart of everyone’s practice and hearing from those at the forefront of establishing business structures for pro bono within law firms, chambers, in house, universities and charities.
  • How technology can enhance access to justice – existing and new tools to ensure pro bono is innovative and effective.

Ideas and resources

Please visit our resources page for ideas for events, and resources including logos, templates for social media and comms toolkit.

How to get involved

  1. Send in your event plans, even if they are at an early stage, either by emailing or via the below form.
  2. The Pro Bono Week organisers can then be in touch to ask if we can offer support for your event, e.g. if you would like partner suggestions, speaker ideas and venue suggestions, or to know if similar events might be planned for the same day or time.
  3. As soon as you like, we can add your event to our online calendar so that everyone can see what you’re planning, and can register to attend (if it’s an open event).
  4. We will help you promote your event to a broad audience via the official Pro Bono Week social media accounts.
  5. Closer to the Week, will add your event to a PDF with the official events list.

If you have any questions or need support please email  

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