Pro Bono Week returns 4th to 8th November 2024, and we are looking for undergraduate and postgraduate law students from all UK institutions to join Pro Bono Week’s Student Council for 2024.
Pro Bono Week is an opportunity to celebrate and discuss the important contribution that the legal profession makes in providing free legal help to those in need. It involves events at legal societies, law firms, chambers, corporations, law schools and Parliament. Visit the home page for the 2024 themes.
Members of the Council act as Rapporteurs for online or in-person events, meeting the participants and taking notes of the discussions. This is an important role to ensure that the discussions are recorded, enabling a report to be compiled on the state of and challenges seen in the pro bono sector. See last year’s report which credits last year’s students.
The Council will be invited to join a planning meeting by Zoom in October, and then to attend one or two Pro Bono Week events in November.
In addition to acting as Rapporteurs, Student Council members are welcome to organise student-led events at their institution (if so, they would normally liaise with their institution’s pro bono coordinator or relevant staff member).
We encourage all law students to apply to join the Student Council for 2024! The deadline is Monday 7 October at 5.30pm. Applicants should email a paragraph explaining why they would like to join the Council to Toby Brown (Chair of Pro Bono Week Committee) with subject line: “Student Pro Bono Week Council”, copied to their institution’s pro bono coordinator or relevant staff member. Thank you!