If you are organising an event whether online or in person, please let us know via info@probonoweek.org.uk

Check out our event ideas and tips page for suggestions of what to do and to see the full list of all events that took place in previous years.

Latest Past Events

How technology can enhance access to justice (Panel Talk) – The University of Southampton’s Global Legal Clinic and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Pro Bono Committee

University of Southampton

The University of Southampton’s Global Legal Clinic and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Pro Bono Committee are delighted to host a panel discussion exploring the diverse ways technology currently facilitates access to justice as well as examining opportunities and challenges regarding the use of AI tools. This timely event will be of interest to […]

Increasing Pro Bono Reach: Remote advice and bridging barriers to justice (Slaughter and May, Clifford Chance, Covington & Burling and the Legal Advice Centre (University House)

Slaughter and May One Bunhill Row, London

Join Slaughter and May, Clifford Chance and Covington & Burling for a session with one of the oldest free legal advice agencies in London, the Legal Advice Centre (University House) focussing on the potentials for increasing the reach of remote specialist legal advice services.   Our panel of speakers, including practitioners at the Legal Advice […]